Dec 30 2023
Greatest Hits of 2023
This blog’s greatest hits of 2023:
- Nissan’s Quick Response Quality Control (QRQC)
- Runners, Repeaters, and Strangers among Components
- Where do “Value Stream Maps” come from?
- The Fox Knows Many Things, But The Hedgehog Knows One Big Thing
- Deming’s Point 4 of 14 – End the practice of awarding business on the basis of a price tag
- Does Amazon Use Lean, Six Sigma, or Lean Six Sigma?
- Does Toyota Use SPC?
- Deming’s Point 3 of 14 – Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality…
- Deming’s Point 5 of 14 – Improve Constantly and Forever the System of Production and Service
- Deming’s Point 11.b of 14 – Deming versus Drucker
- Metrics in Lean – Chart junk in performance boards and presentations
- Why “Smart” part numbers should be replaced with keys and property lists
- Wrong things ChatGPT says about me
- Project Manager Versus Chief Engineer: What’s The Difference?
- Deming’s point 1 of 14: Create constancy of purpose…
- Why 5S fails
- Quality in a Manufacturing System
- Why we Need a Quality Department
- Orbit charts, and why you should use them
- What is an A3?
#greatesthitsof2023, #quality, #VSM, #ValueStreamMap, #deming, #toyota
Jan 12 2024
Gaussian (Normal) Distributions In Science
The Gaussian – also known as “Normal” – distribution is used and abused in many domains. In Manufacturing, this includes quality assurance, supply-chain management, and human resources. This is the first in a series of posts aimed at understanding the range of applicability of this tool.
Googling uses of the normal distribution produces nearly 1 million results. Yet the top ones all ignore science, even when you narrow the query to physics, and this post attempts to remedy this. For example, the Gaussian distribution plays a central role in modeling Brownian motion, diffusion processes, heat transfer by conduction, the measurement of star positions, and the theory of gases.
These matter not just because the models are useful but also because they anchor this abstraction in physical phenomena that we can experience with no more equipment than is used in a Middle School science project. This post will not help you solve a shop floor problem by the end of the day, but I hope you will find it nonetheless enlightening.
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By Michel Baudin • Laws of nature • 4 • Tags: Brownian motion, Diffusion, gaussian, Heat transfer, Normal distribution, Theory of Gases