Dec 11 2022
About Introduction to Manufacturing
In a personal exchange, François Pellerin described our Introduction to Manufacturing as a “reference book,” which makes it sound like one of those thick tomes you put on a shelf and never open: a dictionary, an encyclopedia, or a handbook.
This is 180º from our intention. We wrote it as a textbook for students of industrial engineering and operations management that working professionals can also use.
We hope to see it on desks, dog-eared, highlighted, annotated, and coffee-stained. If not in print, then in the same condition in the reader’s e-book library.
Mar 25 2024
A Review of Bernoulli’s Fallacy
Aubrey Clayton’s book, Bernoulli’s Fallacy, covers the same ground as Jaynes’s Probability Theory: The Logic of Science, for a broader audience. It is also an easier read, at 347 pages versus 727. In addition, the author also discusses the socio-political context of mathematical statistics in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. According to his account, mistakes ranged from justice and medicine to social sciences. It ends with recommendations to avoid repeating them.
This book is definitely a shot from the Bayesian side in the war between Bayesians and frequentists. It is tearing apart the world of statisticians but most data scientists have no wish to enlist on either side. They should nonetheless read it, for challenging ideas and historical background.
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By Michel Baudin • Book reviews • 2 • Tags: Bayesian Statistics, Frequentist statistics