Feb 26 2023
Wrong things ChatGPT says about me
What ChatGPT says about me is generally flattering but inaccurate and inconsistent. Ask multiple times and you get different wrong answers. I find it disturbing that it credits me for things I didn’t do. It also omits some I have done, which makes me wonder to whom ChatGPT attributes them. Here are a few mistakes I found in four successive versions:
- “Baudin is the author of several books […], including […] Lean Work Design.” Sorry, I never wrote a book called “Lean Work Design.” Instead, I wrote Introduction to Manufacturing (2022), Working with Machines (2007), Lean Logistics (2005), Lean Assembly (2002), and Manufacturing Systems Analysis (1990).
- “He has over 30 years of experience…” 42 years is the number.
- “Baudin began his career at Hewlett-Packard…” Nope. I started out at Fairchild. Years later, Hewlett-Packard was a consulting client, but I never was an employee.
- “his own consulting firm, Baudin Associates.” Wrong. I never had a firm by that name. It was MMTI, and then The Takt Times Group.
- “He has also served as a professor of Lean manufacturing at the California State University, Chico.” I have never set foot in Chico. I have taught extension courses at UC Berkeley, the University of Dayton, the Hong Kong Productivity Council, and the University of Buckingham, but not Chico State.
- “Baudin has taught courses […] at several universities, including […] MIT, and Stanford…” No, I never did.
- “He is currently a professor at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School in France.” No.
- “Baudin is a graduate of Ecole Centrale Paris.” No, it’s Mines-ParisTech, not Centrale.
- “He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.” I don’t have a Ph.D.
- “He has worked as a researcher at several institutions, including the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks.” I never worked at either of these places. I did research early in my career, at the Hahn-Meitner Institute in Berlin, Germany, Mines-ParisTech in Fontainebleau, France, and the University of Tokyo, Japan.
- “Baudin has also served as a consultant for a variety of companies, including Toyota, Ford,…” No. I never did any work for either. In the auto industry, I did some work for Honda, Renault, and GM, but neither Toyota nor Ford.
In other words, #ChatGPT is looser with facts than any journalist I have ever read.
Apr 10 2023
The Possession of Data
Since the turn of the 21st century, the possession of data has become a greater source of economic power than ever before, dwarfing, in particular, analytics. It’s data about us humans, not about the physical world: our demographic segment, where we live, what we buy, our opinions, and our relationships.
This is a development that manufacturing companies have not been leading. To survive this disruption, their managers need to think more deeply about data, how they can collect it, and what they can do with it to stay competitive.
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By Michel Baudin • Information Technology • 3 • Tags: Data, Facts, Information, Knowledge, Numbers, Surveys, Wisdom