Apr 7 2016
The A3 Report – Part 3: Limitations and Common Mistakes | Christoph Roser
Even if the A3 report is sometimes paraded around like a sacred relic, it is in my view only a minor tool. The main work is still identifying and solving the problem. If I have the choice between a sloppy root cause analysis on an A3 report and a good one on the back of an used envelope, I would go with the envelope any time. Using an A3 report will offer no advantage at all if the content is garbage!
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.allaboutlean.com
Michel Baudin‘s comments:
This is the 3rd post by Christoph Roser about A3. I only wrote two, What is an A3? and Beyond A3s. I agree with him that it is a minor tool, but our perspectives differ on details. Christoph sees A3 as primarily for problem-solving; I see them as a communication tool with many more applications, in particular work instructions. And Pascal Dennis likes to use them in Hoshin Planning/Strategy Deployment.
May 1 2016
Tesla Plant Visit And Non-Disclosure Agreement
Before we entered the Tesla plant, tour guide Adam Slusser ran through the stipulations of the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) we had just signed: we couldn’t take pictures, draw sketches, or even post accounts of the visit on social media. To honor this NDA, I will therefore limit myself to quoting what others have already posted elsewhere.
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By Michel Baudin • News • 0 • Tags: Factory visits, Tesla