Jul 21 2012
Team building at work
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
“According to a recent survey of over 1,000 U.S. office workers conducted by Wakefield Research Study (and commissioned by software company Citrix), three out of every four workers (74%) dislike participating in at least one of their company get-togethers.”
I have long thought of these “fun” activities as inappropriate and counterproductive. Inappropriate because they are an invasion of privacy. Leisure activities are supposed to happen with friends and family outside of work, not with co-workers and bosses at work. Being playmates is not what employees signed up for when they joined. It is counterproductive because it shows disrespect for the work. You build teams by having people work in teams on projects, not by playing silly games.
According to the survey, “team-building” actually is second to costume contests for unpopularity:
“[…] anything that smacks of “team-building” similarly gets the thumbs-down from employees, with 31% saying they dislike these activities.”
See on www.industryweek.com
Jul 22 2012
The Trouble with On Line Education…mis fire by NY Times op ed | The High-Velocity Edge
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
Steven Spear on the value of on-line education. I agree with him, but struggle with the challenge of on-line education for manufacturing. For math or programming, it is straightforward, and there are already models in place that work.
Spear describes cases of on-line participants in management classes using multiplayer technology tor collaborative problem-solving. But what about manufacturing?
See on thehighvelocityedge.mhprofessional.com
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By Michel Baudin • Blog clippings • 0 • Tags: Training