Jul 30 2021
Sales Forecasts – Part 2. More About Evaluation
The lively response to last week’s post on this topic prompted me to dig deeper. First, I take a shot at clarifying the distinction between point forecasts and probability forecasts. Second, I present the idea behind the accuracy metric for probability forecasts that Stefan de Kok recommends as an alternative to the WSPL. Finally, I summarize a few points raised in discussions on LinkedIn and in this blog.
All of this is about evaluating forecasts. We still need methods to generate them. There are many well-known, published methods for point forecasts but not for probability forecasts, particularly for sales. This is a topic for another post.
Aug 27 2021
Sales Forecasts – Part 3. Generating Probability Forecasts
My last two long posts were about evaluating sales forecasts. They begged the question of how you generate these forecasts. This is a partial answer, about what you can tell from a history of sales through both classical methods and recent developments, particularly probability forecasting.
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By Michel Baudin • Data science • 0 • Tags: Demand Forecast, Probability Forecast, Sales forecast