May 20 2016
Death Of An Outstanding Plant Manager On EgyptAir flight MS804 |

One of the passengers who died in the crash of EgyptAir flight MS804 was Ahmed Helal, the 40-year-old manager of a Procter & Gamble plant in Amiens, France. He was a Frenchman from Egypt, on his way to visit his father, and the outpouring of grief from his employees in the plant, his managers at corporate, the city council of Amiens and many elected officials clearly indicates that he was no ordinary plant manager.
The workers interviews on the French BFM TV network has this to say about him:
- Worker 1: “Very, very close. It wasn’t just a handshake; it was an embrace. It always came from the heart. It started with ‘you are my family.’
- Worker 2: “When we had something to ask of him, he was listening to everybody.”
- Workers 3 and 4: “Always smiling, always listening to the employees. He did a lot for the employees, since he arrived, and for the plant too.”
- Pascal Grimaud, union representative: “We are crushed. As a plant manager, he has brought us so much. Ahmed, for us, was a friend. He called us his family. He treated everybody the same. We are very sad. I can’t find the words. I was on the phone with him two hours before he took off. All the employees at the Amiens site, we are all orphans.”
The Vice President and General Manager of P&G for France and the Benelux, Christophe Duron expressed his sadness for the loss of Ahmed Helal, and said, “Ahmed wasn’t just a brilliant site director, Ahmed was above all an exceptional human being. He was the boss of the Amiens plant.”
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Jan 22 2020
Comparing Handbooks: Maynard, Salvendy, Badiru, NITech
Industrial Engineers most often cite Maynard’s and Salvendy’s handbooks, both last updated in 2001. The most recent English-language handbook I know of is Badiru’s, whose 2nd edition came out in 2013. NITech is the Nagoya Institute of Technology (名古屋工業大学). Since 2007 NITech has been running a 6-month Plant Manager Training School (工場長養成塾) program once a year, including lectures, plant visits, and projects. This program has a companion handbook last updated in 2015. It’s focused on plant managers rather than IE’s but I included it here because it represents a different approach. The most recent publication I checked out is the 2019 Industrial Engineering Body of Knowledge (IEBoK) from the IISE but it is only an outline, with a bibliography on each topic.
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By Michel Baudin • Book reviews • 1 • Tags: IE, IE Handbooks, industrial engineering, Operations Research, Plant management