Comparing Handbooks: Maynard, Salvendy, Badiru, NITech

Industrial Engineers most often cite Maynard’s and Salvendy’s handbooks, both last updated in 2001. The most recent English-language handbook I know of is Badiru’s, whose 2nd edition came out in 2013. NITech is the Nagoya Institute of Technology (名古屋工業大学). Since 2007 NITech has been running a 6-month Plant Manager Training School (工場長養成塾) program once a year, including lectures, plant visits, and projects. This program has a companion handbook last updated in 2015. It’s focused on plant managers rather than IE’s but I included it here because it represents a different approach. The most recent publication I checked out is the 2019 Industrial Engineering Body of Knowledge (IEBoK) from the IISE but it is only an outline, with a bibliography on each topic. 

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