Dec 9 2011
Sundaram-Clayton wins Platinum in India Manufacturing Excellence Awards
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Continuing our round-the-world tour of awards, prizes and cups for Lean Manufacturing.
Dec 9 2011
Via – lean manufacturing
Continuing our round-the-world tour of awards, prizes and cups for Lean Manufacturing.
By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 0 • Tags: Awards, Lean manufacturing, Management
Dec 9 2011
If you google Six Sigma, you get the impression that it is a going concern, with all sorts of organizations offering training and consulting on how to implement it. If you dig just a bit deeper, you run into a Business Week article from June 11, 2007 entitled Six Sigma: So Yesterday? It explained how the best known Six Sigma icons, like GE, 3M, Home Depot, or Motorola were “dialing it back.” Whatever this may mean, it is difficult to imagine ambitious employees in a company showing enthusiasm for a program that is being “dialed back.”
The same article attributes the following statement to GE’s former CEO Jack Welch about Six Sigma: “Even if the concept is applied in areas where perhaps it shouldn’t be, it’ll be worth it in the long run.” It makes you wonder how he would have liked to work in such an area, with management knowingly pressuring him to implement an irrelevant method.
Now that the Six Sigma craze is over, there is no much merit in criticizing it. Ever since I was first exposed to it in the 1990s, I have perceived it as a welcome update of the now 90-year-old tools of Statistical Process Control (SPC), useful in industries where, if your process is mature, your product is obsolete. This applies in semiconductors and other high-technology manufacturing sectors, but not in mature sectors like automotive.
It never struck me as having the potential to be a revolution in business or comparable in scope and impact to Lean. Saying so 10 years ago made many people angry but I did worse: I put in writing, in an article entitled Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing that was published by the SME in a Six Sigma newsletter in July, 2002.
If you google Motorola +Six-Sigma, you learn that Motorola no longer teaches Six Sigma business improvement. Given that Motorola is where Six Sigma was invented, the equivalent would be for Toyota to dump Lean. Maybe it is time to dial down the Six Sigma training programs.
By Michel Baudin • Management, Technology • 40 • Tags: Lean, Management, Quality, Six Sigma
Nov 29 2011
Via – lean manufacturing
Heard on NPR this afternoon. Lean was not mentioned, but, if Aravind has found ways to perform cataract operations faster, better, and cheaper, it probably deserves to be called a Lean organization.
By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 0 • Tags: Health care, Management
Nov 27 2011
Via – lean manufacturing
John Sprovieri’s article opens with the following :
“Austin Weber’s article on lean manufacturing at Whirlpool was part of a series of articles written to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the company. As such, it was not the appropriate venue to dwell on the negative aspects of the company’s history, but rather to celebrate the accomplishments of one of this country’s great manufacturers.”
I could see “celebrating accomplishments” as a role for the company’s Public Relations department in an ad page. But is a reporter supposed to be a cheer leader for the companies he covers?
By Michel Baudin • Management, Press clippings • 0 • Tags: Lean manufacturing, Management
Nov 26 2011
This is a translation of the announcement in the Russian Business Excellence magazine. You can also watch the award ceremony on Youtube, in Russian without subtitles, from honorable mentions to the cup itself.
The overall winner and winners in individual categories of the Gastev Cup, Russia’s first competition in business effectiveness, were announced during the Moscow VI Forum on Development of Production Systems, formerly known as Lean Forum. The ceremony capped a long enough period of checking the conformity of the production systems of the candidate companies to the contest requirements. For several months the team of independent auditors visited the candidates, from St. Petersburg to Novosibirsk.
And the winners are:
Honorable mentions were also also awarded to Packer, from the October region, Saturn -Gas Turbines from Rybinsk, Spartacus from Kazan, and Elsib from Novosibirsk.
Konstantin Novikov is general director if Stal steel works in Omsk, and member of the Council of Lean Production Professionals.
Our congratulations to the winners and runners-up of the first Gastev Cup Gasteva. The second cup is exactly one year away. In 2012, if the TMS-group wants to keep the cup, they will have to fight for it again, developing their people and their production processes, and demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement.
By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 0 • Tags: Continuous improvement, Lean manufacturing, Management
Dec 11 2011
Russian Lean Blog Post about Cultural Differences
Via – lean manufacturing

This is a translation of my own comments in this discussion:
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By Michel Baudin • Blog clippings • 0 • Tags: Lean, Lean manufacturing, Management