Nov 2 2011
Lean Reflections on Temple Grandin
Via – lean manufacturing
I just wish we would talk more about Temple Grandin’s work than her autism. Like Sakichi Toyoda with looms, she focused on one of the oldest economic activities, raising cattle, and made it better by observing details nobody else cared about. Even for a non-cowboy, her Humane Livestock Handling is fascinating. Professionally, autism may have hindered or helped her. In any case, it is something she was born with, not something she accomplished. Having >50% of all cattle handling facilities in the US based on her designs is an accomplishment.
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Nov 11 2011
2011 Assembly Plant of the Year: Philips Doesn’t Rest on Lean Laurels – Cover Story – ASSEMBLY
Via – lean manufacturing

The article is from 9/26. and long in the tooth for a scoop, but the plant looks interesting.
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By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 0 • Tags: Lean assembly, Lean manufacturing, Line design, Manufacturing engineering