Oct 13 2017
Our Spanish Partner Asenta’s 25th Anniversary
Our Spanish partner Asenta just celebrated its 25th anniversary in Bilbao with a conference and a party. Brad Schmidt, Jeffrey Liker, and I were asked to contribute short videos for the occasion. Mine, I admit, is the least professionally produced but the only one entirely in Spanish. Jeffrey, in particular, has mastered the art of lighting the scene without having the reflection from the lamps in his glasses hiding his eyes, which I am struggling with.
Jun 20 2019
The Use of Data to Improve Manufacturing | Luis Mauleón | Empresa XXI
This is the translation of article recently published by Asenta’s Partner-Director Luis Mauleón in Empresa XXI, summarizing the key points of my lecture last month at the Faculty of Engineering of Deusto University in Bilbao, as part of a series of events organized by Asenta Management Consultants.
Practical lessons from Michel Baudin
In an environment with an overabundance of data, it is a paradox that we still have difficulties to finding simple answers to simple questions.
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By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 2 • Tags: Asenta, data science, Lean, Operational Excellence, University of Deusto