“Henry Ford achieved world-class results with three key performance indicators (KPIs), none of which were financial. His successors’ changeover to financial metrics, on the other hand, caused the company to forget what we now call the Toyota production system.”
Yes, giving power over manufacturing companies to accountants, as American industry massively did in the 1950s yielded disastrous results. The summary given in this article’s lead paragraph, however, does not match the historical record from other sources. Continue reading…
Dec 5 2014
When Finance Runs the Factory | William Levinson | Industry Week
“Henry Ford achieved world-class results with three key performance indicators (KPIs), none of which were financial. His successors’ changeover to financial metrics, on the other hand, caused the company to forget what we now call the Toyota production system.”
Source: www.industryweek.com
Yes, giving power over manufacturing companies to accountants, as American industry massively did in the 1950s yielded disastrous results. The summary given in this article’s lead paragraph, however, does not match the historical record from other sources.
Continue reading…
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By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 3 • Tags: Alfred P. Sloan, Ford, Henry Ford, Lean Production, Mass Production, Toyota, TPS