Jul 18 2012
Lean and ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ – Los Angeles Times
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
It has been a while, but it just happened again: a search on Lean brings up Lawrence of Arabia. In 1995, it was systematic, but I hadn’t seen it since. If you are wondering what the connection is, the movie is a David Lean production.
See on www.latimes.com
Jul 18 2012
30 years later, Honda evolves – The Detroit News
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing

This article discusses the “renowned lean manufacturing and ‘just-in-time’ production techniques of the Japanese manufacturers,” a wording that implies that all Japanese manufacturers use variants of the Toyota Production System (TPS). It is not the case, and it is particularly not true of Honda.
Honda is good at manufacturing, but uses methods developed in-house, based on the founder’s philosophy of self-reliance.Soichiro Honda was known for telling engineers: “Don’t try to find out what the other guy is doing, just solve your own problem!” He also got the company involved in racing early on so as to infuse the “racing spirit” in everything it did. The Honda Way isn’t just a rebranding of TPS or Lean, as so many companies’ “Production Systems” are; it is an original, autonomous development. The white uniform in the picture is part of it. Its purpose is to make stains stand out, so that their sources are identified and removed from production.
See on www.detroitnews.com
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By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 0 • Tags: Honda, Lean, Lean manufacturing, Toyota, Toyota Production System, TPS