Aug 21 2017
Is Reflection a Lost Art? | Robert Martichenko
A close friend recently asked me if I thought writing is a lost art.
“Why do you say that?” I asked.
“Mostly,” she said, “because all I see these days are people writing on social media, in short bursts, with multiple typos, poor grammar, and no rigor to the thoughtfulness of the message.”
Having still not answered her question, I thought for a little bit, mostly about why I personally like to write.
“No,” I answered. “I don’t believe writing is a lost art. I believe the leadership principle of reflection is a lost art.”
“Interesting”, was my friend’s reply. “What do you mean by that?”
“Well,” I said, “if I think back on the business books I have written, and the recent novel that I published, the true precipice of my writing was to practice the lean leadership principle of reflection. In order to write thoughtfully, you need to put yourself in a quiet place, you need to unplug, you need to assemble your disconnected thoughts on paper, then analyze and synthesize these thoughts in order to package them in such a way that a stranger can understand the lessons and concepts that you are trying to communicate. And often when I’m writing, I reread what I’ve written, and I realize that my thoughts are not even clear in my own mind. This forces me to work at it again – with sleeves rolled up – in order to truly understand what I’ve learned as a leader relative to the concepts I am writing about. This is not always easy. However, to quote Snoopy from Charlie Brown, ‘I am a great admirer of my own writing’, so this allows me to soldier on.
For me, writing creates an effective environment for true reflection.
What is your process?”
Michel Baudin‘s comments: Robert Martichenko came to my attention back in 2005, as co-author of the second book on Lean Logistics. Mine was first, by a few weeks, and it’s been a friendly rivalry. As of this morning, on Amazon, mine has 10 reviews and ranks 4.8 out of 5 stars, while his has 6 reviews and ranks 4.7. But his book is cheaper and his sales rank is higher. A few years after both books came out, a seminar organizer for Robert liked the subtitle of my book, “the nuts and bolts of delivering materials and goods,” so much that he used it in a promotional flyer, for which Robert duly apologized.
Nov 6 2024
Rebuilding Manufacturing in France | Radu Demetrescoux
Radu Demetrescoux has been a manufacturing consultant for 25 years and recently authored a Lean Toolbox (in French) with actionable details on 64 tools. He has seen the French manufacturing sector losing half its factories and is working to rebuild it. This is how he explains what happened and the way forward. It includes an endorsement of our Introduction to Manufacturing as a contribution to this effort!
The Numbers
Between 1995 and 2015, France lost almost half of its factories and a third of its industrial jobs. In French economic statistics, the industry sector encompasses extraction and refining in addition to manufacturing. The share of Industry in GDP has fallen from 35% in 1970 to less than 20% currently. The share of manufacturing in GDP fell to 11% in 2017 compared to 17% in 1995. The objective stated by the government is to quickly increase the share of manufacturing in GDP to 15%.
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By Michel Baudin • Personal communications, Uncategorized • 0