Oct 28 2015
Akio Toyoda’s aggressive reboot | Automotive News
Akio Toyoda is rolling out an aggressive overhaul of Toyota Motor Corp. that aims to improve everything from manufacturing and product planning to design and human resources.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.autonews.com
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
Oct 29 2015
“I’ve had results with Lean but Corporate pushes ERP. Any advice?” | LEI | Michael Ballé
Question: “I’m the head of a business unit and have had visible results with lean. Yet, my corporate colleagues refuse to acknowledge this and want to force their ERP and purchasing practices on my division. This is very frustrating – any advice?”
Answer: “I certainly understand (and share) your frustration and, unfortunately, I don’t really have useful advice[…] No easy answers”
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.lean.org
Michel Baudin‘s comments:
Ballé then follows up the non-advice with a 1,079-word essay where, among other developments, he equates the use of ERP with colonialism, leading to the conclusion that there are no easy answers.
Let us assume that the question is from a real manager in a real situation, in a position to make choices with real consequences for his or her career as well as for the company. It deserves an answer.
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By Michel Baudin • Blog clippings • 1 • Tags: CIO, ERP, IT, Lean