Jan 27 2014
John Hunter’s Review of this Blog
On his TimeBack management blog, John Hunter wrote a review of this blog that made me blush. Amid the glowing praise, however, he included one critical comment for which I thank him, and on which I am acting right away. “From almost anyone else,” he wrote, “defining one’s own comments as ‘insight’ would be insufferably arrogant.”
He is right, and I would have immediately noticed it on anybody else’s blog. I use Scoop.It for press clippings, and they are the ones who call everybody’s comments “insights.” It’s OK with other people’s comments, but it is insufferably arrogant to apply it to your own. Everything I clip on Scoop.It is automatically cross-posted on my blog, and this is how this offensive heading ended up in my posts. I am responsible for everything on my blog and should have fixed it, but I didn’t notice it.
I have already changed “insight” to “comments” in the most recent posts and, if anyone knows of a way to do a “Replace all” on an entire WordPress blog, I would love to know.
Feb 4 2014
Japan Update
Whether or not you join us on the Making Things in Japan Tour 2014 this April, you may be interested in some of the updates about the country that Brad Schmidt and I have been posting on the tour’s site. While the fear of “Japan, Inc.” taking over the world has receded since the 1980s, Japan remains a society that values the art of making things, known as “monozukuri” (物作), hosts a unique concentration of thinkers and inventors in this area, and has developed many brands of manufactured products with worldwide renown.
What is it like today? We plan to keep providing more details, but the following can give you some answers:
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By Michel Baudin • Announcements • 0 • Tags: Japan, Japan plant tour, Japanese Manufacturing