Jul 6 2012
Toyota’s most successful rival: VW
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
From the article:
“For all VW’s success, it is rare to hear people outside the firm praising the “Volkswagen Way” as they once lauded the “Toyota Production System”. VW has ignored Toyota’s obsession with the production line, says Mr Warburton, and concentrated on saving costs through parts-sharing between models. It has managed to preserve a culture of permanent innovation and a willingness to take risks. If there is a Volkswagen Way, it is to be determined, diligent and attentive to detail, with a glint of ruthlessness.”
See on www.economist.com
Jul 17 2012
Why Toyota is Lean…and You’re Not
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing

Jeffrey Liker on what Lean really is. An interesting article, with which I have a few quibbles:
I don’t think it’s true, because they will be competing against manufacturers elsewhere doing the same.
I also do not see this statement as an accurate summary of Lean. Under Alfred P. Sloan’s leadership in the 1920s, GM did everything the statement says. When Peter Drucker wrote Concept of the Corporation in 1946, GM was arguably the best run company in the world, particularly in leadership development, but, even looking back, you wouldn’t call it Lean.
See on www.manufacturingpulse.com
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By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 0 • Tags: Lean, Lean manufacturing, Management, Toyota, Toyota Production System, TPS