Jan 13 2012
Lean = outsource, fire people, and apply ERP ???
Via Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
This is an unusual take on Lean from a UK ezine. We should recommend homework to the author.
“Following the recession, many businesses have adopted lean principles in the most obvious areas, such as moving production to cheaper locations or reducing non-essential staff. However, simple cost cutting is only a part of the story. To be truly lean, a business also needs to reduce inefficiency in less obvious areas. By using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, companies have a complete, integrated overview of their entire organisation, combining information from all business areas into one simple system.”
Jan 18 2012
State governments in the US adopting Lean | Crosscut.com
Via Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
Of course, it makes you wonder what they are actually doing in the name of Lean…
Via crosscut.com
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By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 0 • Tags: Government, Lean