“TEL AVIV — Israel’s Defense Ministry is slightly ahead of schedule in a 10-year government-mandated plan to save 30 billion shekels (US $8.4 billion) through 2017, but no thanks, uniformed officers say, to the ministry’s high-priced contract with an international consulting firm.
Nearly five years into the plan, high-ranking officers here insist the lion’s share of the 9.2 billion shekels saved thus far stem from internal, self-generated measures, despite costly and — in many cases — unrealistic reforms proposed by New York-based McKinsey & Co.”
May 25 2013
Israel’s Efficiency Contract Under Fire
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
“TEL AVIV — Israel’s Defense Ministry is slightly ahead of schedule in a 10-year government-mandated plan to save 30 billion shekels (US $8.4 billion) through 2017, but no thanks, uniformed officers say, to the ministry’s high-priced contract with an international consulting firm.
Nearly five years into the plan, high-ranking officers here insist the lion’s share of the 9.2 billion shekels saved thus far stem from internal, self-generated measures, despite costly and — in many cases — unrealistic reforms proposed by New York-based McKinsey & Co.”
See on www.defensenews.com
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By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 0 • Tags: Israel, Lean Logistics, McKinsey