To paraphrase the judge in My Cousin Vinny, this is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out argument for the usefulness of ISO-9001: you don’t hear about its benefits because they come in the form of problem-prevention.
Levinson is persuasive, but I can’t help thinking that we should still be able to see before-and-after metrics of quality for companies that implement ISO-9001. The results don’t have to be immediate, but they have to exist.
Jul 19 2012
ISO 9001: Conspicuous by Its Absence | Quality Digest
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To paraphrase the judge in My Cousin Vinny, this is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out argument for the usefulness of ISO-9001: you don’t hear about its benefits because they come in the form of problem-prevention.
Levinson is persuasive, but I can’t help thinking that we should still be able to see before-and-after metrics of quality for companies that implement ISO-9001. The results don’t have to be immediate, but they have to exist.
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By Michel Baudin • Press clippings • 3 • Tags: ISO, Quality