Jun 8 2018
New Karakuri Kaizen Video From Toyota
My colleague Kevin Hop drew my attention to this video of Kazuhiko Furui showing some examples of Karakuri Kaizen at Toyota, the training of Toyota employees in coming up with new devices, and the iterations that go into making them work. It goes deeper into the topic than the videos I had posted earlier.
This is part of a series of videos called econohito, that shows actions by Toyota employees to avoid wasting power or water, and to collect electricity from solar panels. Perhaps the best way forward for sustainable development would be to shift away from cars altogether, but that’s not what this is about.
#toyota, #karakurikaizen, #econohito
Jun 29 2018
What Is Cost?
Costs are the object of heated arguments when working to improve manufacturing operations, with participants assuming that the notion of cost itself is self-evident while, in fact, they understand it differently and talk past each other. This is an attempt to bring some clarity to the subject.
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By Michel Baudin • Management • 5 • Tags: ABC, Accounting, Activity-Based Costing, Cost, Game theory, Lean, TPS