May 17 2016
5S at Google?
In How Google Works, on p. 38, executives Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg wrote:
“When offices get crowded, they tend to get messy too. Let them. When Eric [Schmidt] first arrived at Google in 2001, he asked the head of facilities, George Salah, to clean up the place. George did, and was rewarded with a note the next day from Larry Page, saying, ‘Where did all my stuff go?’ That random collection of stuff was an icon of a busy, stimulated workforce. […] It’s OK to let your office be one hot mess.”
So the company whose mission is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful” has no use for 5S in its offices. The explanation they give is that Google employees are “smart creatives” who do their best work in a messy environment, like Pablo Picasso in his studio. But I can think of another reason: the information that matters to the googlers’ work is the stuff behind their screens, not on their desks. It’s in Google’s data centers, and they work on it with Google’s software.
The following picture is from a web page about the 15 coolest things you get as a Google employee:

As an layout, it is reminiscent of the traditional Japanese office:

One difference with the Google picture is that, in Japan, each row of back-to-back desks ends with one facing the row, for the department manager. The Japanese desks also usually have drawers. The Google desks don’t but, on the other hand, the googlers each have two 27-in screens, a tower computer on the floor and, among the miscellaneous objects on their desks, not a single paper document.
This is Google, and not every Silicon Valley company celebrates messy desks. Intel, for one, requires employees, before leaving, to lock away all documents, clear their desktops, log out of their systems, and erase all white boards. This is to make sure that no competitor’s spy, posing as a janitor, can abscond with intellectual property, and it is rooted in Andy Grove’s conviction that only the paranoid survive. As part of this “Mr. Clean” program, every facility is routinely audited, and violators written up. This is how it is explained in a handbook for contractors:
“Mr. Clean” is a team of two people sometimes consisting of a Senior Manager and SMS/GSS representative who inspect our buildings once a month to insure that all facilities meet the Intel standards for cleanliness and safety. These inspections are for your benefit to aid in improving working conditions and keeping watch on safety hazards. Some common safety/clean problems:
- Items stored on floors or above cubicle walls.
- Posters and hand-written signs taped to walls, windows, doors, and equipment.
- Papers, books, coats, hats and umbrellas lying on top of bookshelves. 4. Loose cables or cords. Clutter.
May 18, 2016 @ 6:44 am
Comment in the TPS Principles and Practice discussion group on LinkedIn:
May 18, 2016 @ 10:52 am
Comment in the TPS Principles and Practice discussion group on LinkedIn:
May 27, 2016 @ 2:00 am
I consider 5S to be a countermeasure to be done when problems are caused by a lack of organization, although 5S can be used proactively to prevent problems from occurring. Unless there’s a need, though, I do not consider 5S as a first-step – or a requirement at all – in a lean transformation. There should be a clear reason to do it.
With that said, one has to wonder if Google team members may perhaps be unconsciously ignoring problems caused by a lack of organization. It’s easy to become so accustomed to waste that it’s no longer seen as a problem. I can’t imagine that searching for something or tripping on a cable/cord helps drive creativity. Google is an impressive and highly respected company but they are not perfect. There are always blind-spots and better ways to do things that helps in the achievement of the purpose. I’m guessing and hoping that they realize this.
When I look at the picture, though, it really doesn’t look that bad . . . I’ve seen MUCH worse. What I notice the most is the guy in the front of the picture hunching over to look at his screen. If he does this for too long, he’s going to start feeling it in his neck and shoulders – and highly creative or not, this is a problem.
May 27, 2016 @ 10:51 am
I agree that the picture doesn’t look that bad, but I assume that, being meant for publication, it doesn’t show the worst office at Google. It certainly doesn’t show cables running across a walkway that would be a trip hazard.
As indicated in the post, I don’t think they are indifferent to organization, but that what needs organization is the data in their systems, not their physical desktops.
June 14, 2016 @ 11:25 am
Comment in the TPS Principles and Practice discussion group on LinkedIn:
June 14, 2016 @ 11:27 am
Comment in the TPS Principles and Practice discussion group on LinkedIn:
May 24, 2019 @ 10:59 pm
5s saves time on taking things, tools, information but equally waste time on putting it back/keep organized. 5S is a fetish, there is no added value in it other than remove not needed and rationalize so there is no waste. this does not justify to be iconized.
If done so it is a waste itself. I rely on my subconsiouse memory when reterning pen to my messy desk so free up resourse in consiouse cognitive preocess for actual job. it is natural, human and most efficient way to do things. If you push hard with the change to 5S your employees will hate the place and it is waste.
Then like some Japanese executives they would have to do harakiri to escape from this very unhuman, artificial 5S pressure