How to Do a Gemba Walk | Michael Bremer | Slideshare


“A ‘how to’ outline for executives trying to do an effective Gemba Walk”


Michel Baudin‘s comments:

No disagreement with what Michael Bremer is saying, but I would emphasize observation skills more.

One exercise Kei Abe came up with is the bug hunt. You take a team of managers to the floor and give each one 20 red tags. They they have 20 minutes to attach the tags to such “bugs” as frayed cables, devices held with duct tape, puddles of lubricant, misplaced items, etc. They usually have no trouble using all 20 tags.

I also ask people to be like the Count in Sesame Street and count people walking, machines not working, etc. These activities have a data collection and validation value in their own right, but they also focus the eyes of participants and make them notice details they would otherwise miss.

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