Jan 30 2015
Lean six sigma the oxymoron | Troy Taylor | LinkedIn
“In the beginning Toyota created TPS, then came Motorola in 1986 with their six sigma process. In 1988 John Krafcik coined the term Lean in his paper entitled“Triumph of the Lean production system” which was quickly popularised by Womack, Roos and Jones in 1991 with the publication of their book “The machine that changed the world”. Then in 2002 Michael George and Robert Lawrence junior published their book entitled “Lean Six Sigma: Combining Six Sigma with Lean Speed”.
Ever since this point organisations have been attempting to mesh the 2 methodologies into one business improvement technique and failing.”
Source: www.linkedin.com
Troy speaks from experience. Mine is similar, but I am not as negative on Six Sigma as he is. I think of Six Sigma as an approach that is useful within a range of applicability and is limited in scope.
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
January 30, 2015 @ 10:34 am
As “People Centered” work expands in the United States and “Machine Centered” work decreases, the need is for qualitative approaches that work almost all the time. This favors Lean. Machine centered approaches that fail only once in a million occurrences favor Six Sigma. For instance, if the Expense Reports are filled out wrong 50% of the time, Six Sigma is not the solution. There is a whole lot of other stuff going on that needs to be looked at from a motivational view.