Oct 31 2014
Two Vancouver companies get manufacturing awards | The Columbian
“Two Vancouver companies were among five top award winners in this year’s Manufacturing Excellence Awards, sponsored by the Association of Washington Business and UPS. […] TigerStop won the Manufacturing Excellence Award for innovation. That award highlights a company’s work in designing, developing and delivering a blockbuster product concept. TigerStop was founded in 1994 by Spencer Dick to develop a cutting machine that would consistently produce accurately shaped parts, whether metal, aluminum, plastic or wood. The company has sold more than 30,000 machines, and uses local sourcing in its production facilities, the business association said of TigerStop.”
Source: www.columbian.com
It’s gratifying to see a former client receive an award. A few years ago, TigerStop asked me for Lean training. They went through a society of wood cutting machine makers and hosted a workshop at their site. For this small company, it was a way of getting what they wanted without bearing the whole cost.
I was impressed by the creativity, open-mindedness, and dedication of the TigerStop people. Congratulations on this award!
See on Scoop.it – lean manufacturing
November 2, 2014 @ 1:07 pm
Thanks for sharing Michel.
Before coming to Australia, I had the good fortune of integrating many TigerStops into Wood, Aluminum and uPVC production lines.
A very cost-effective solution helping us tie sub-assemblies into final assembly lines with very short TAKT times.
They offered speed & accuracy provided that operators weren’t too heavy-handed (back then, running extrusions into the stops could make them skip down the drive belts if they were impacted with enough force).
It would very interesting to hear about their Lean journey, Michel.