Sep 18 2013
The Legacy of Eiji Toyoda | Businessweek
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Washington Post
The Legacy of Eiji Toyoda
He transformed Toyota into a global powerhouse with management and manufacturing processes that transcended the auto industry.
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September 20, 2013 @ 1:33 pm
A fitting epitaph for the great man would be his own words from the booklet published for the opening of the Toyota Commemorative Museum on June the 11th 1994. The 100th anniversary of Kiichiro Toyoda’s birth.
“Aiming to contribute to building an affluent society through ‘making things’, the Toyota Group wishes to impart to younger generations its beliefs in the importance of ‘making things’ and ‘creativity and research’. By so doing, it hopes to contribute to the healthy development of the societies and economies of Japan and other countries of the world. Herein lies our purpose for establishing this museum”.
This is the very essence of the ‘Toyota Way’.
Any organisation wishing to emulate Toyota’s success under Eiji’s leadership must learn to do this; not just copy the tools of ‘Toyota’s Production System’.