Nov 30 2012
HBR doubles down on MBO
See on – lean manufacturing
The Harvard Business Review, on its 90th anniversary, equates good management with having long-term goals with tough but achievable short-term performance targets, financial incentives to reward high performers and punish underperformers, and a monitoring system to rigorously collect and analyze performance data.
If you don’t have these things, then, by definition, your company is badly managed. After conducting a worldwide survey, the article’s authors concluded that, indeed, most companies are.
Management By Objectives, anyone? I thought we were moving past that debate.
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December 1, 2012 @ 5:03 pm
You have to give HBR a lot of credit, though – when they describe it, doesn’t sound like Management by Objectives. It sounds far more sophisticated, and more advanced, than simple MBO.