Jan 28 2012
IndustryWeek : General Cable Corp. — Lincoln, R.I.: IW Best Plants Profile 2011
Via Scoop.it – Cellular manufacturing
Change is Good: After decades of batch-and-queue production, a veteran workforce has embraced the switch to cellular manufacturing.
Via www.industryweek.com
May 27, 2012 @ 3:39 am
This plant did not deserve to receive the Industry Week award. They had problems with OSHA before and after the ceremony. Osha has fined them on 5 different violations so far. Quality escapes have been on the rise for over a year due to production demands. Industrial injuries are covered up and when employees get hurt they are coerced into not taking medication or get X-Rays, in order to keep their safety record clean. Employees are routinely disciplined even fired when they get hurt on the job. Other schemes to keep their record low exist and are under investigation right now. Other investigations are under way. Discrimination, harassment and abuse of workers are a fact of life at General Cable’s Lincoln plant. See the employee’s story on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZRacMDkwQk other employees videos are also on the tube.